Thursday, March 21, 2013

Magnesium (Mg, element #12)

What is magnesium?
Photograph of the element magnesium, with a penny to indicate size of the sample.
Magnesium metal bar, with a penny to show size.
Magnesium is the 8th most abundant element on Earth. While it does not occur in nature, it is found in minerals like magnesite and dolomite. The metal can be obtained by electrolysis of fused magnesium derived from brines and seawater.

Also, magnesium is a main part of the human body. 50% of the magnesium in your body is found in bones and teeth, 1% is found in your blood, and the rest is found in various places around your body. Your body works hard to maintain the 1%, so blood tests are not a reliable way to check your deficiency.

Where is magnesium found, and what are it's uses?
As I mentioned above, magnesium does not occur in nature. it is found in the minerals magnesite and dolomite, and also in your blood, bones and teeth. Humans are dependent on magnesium. However, magnesium does not naturally occur in your body, so your deficiency depends on the foods and supplements you give it to increase your magnesium level.

Magnesium is also alloyed with other metals to make them lighter and more easily welded. It is also used as a reducing agent in the preparation of uranium and other metals that are purified from their salts. Magnesium is also used in pyrotechnic and incendiary machines and devices.

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